If you have ever visited Marrakech, chances are that you will never forget the intricate design of the many decorations. I surely didn’t. A great source of inspiration was the awesome book ” Arabesques – Decorative Art in Morocco”. It took me countless trials to come up with an acceptable design, which I finally did using SketchUp. I used Cocobolo as wood species. It is now part of a cabinet. Overall, almost two hundred pieces of cocobolo wood went into this arabesque, which measures 30 x 30 cm ( 12 x 12 inch).
The first step was to create the model in SketchUp ( I was at version 7 before being satisfied)
I then coloured all the similar pieces in SketchUp, and counted carefully the number needed.
Cutting was done on the bandsaw, with a dedicated jig angled at 90º, 45º, and 22.5º:
I then printed out the SketchUp file on true scale, and used this as basis for gluing – patiently – the pieces together.